Crossmatch – Citation

The winner of the 2020 Gratiaen Prize for creative writing was selected for its compelling storyline, its convincing characterizations, and its skillful use of language.

Set in and around Colombo, and bringing to the fore the power and class structures that produce the human and physical geography of Colombo and its suburbs, the novel explores themes of longing and belonging from the vantage point of different characters from different backgrounds.

Untangling the mystery surrounding the death of a poor boy in a hospital ICU, the novel uses Colombo's medical establishment as its backdrop, putting a particular spotlight on its dark side. But the novel is also about a quest for justice, and putting the system right, and what that looks like from varying perspectives.

The judges were particularly impressed by the ability of the author to structure and pace the novel with such mastery and confidence.

Congratulations to Carmel Miranda, who was the unanimous choice for this year’s Gratiaen Prize with her exceptional debut novel Crossmatch

The Jury, Gratiaen Prize 2020 

Gratiaen Trust